From the wild, vast reaches of interplanetary space, those famous bite-sized cereals, wheat and rice cakes bring you Space Patrol. In the peace of the United Planets, the Space Patrol maintains hundreds of patrol ships throughout the universe. The position of the units is a closely guarded secret, which is never mentioned in space or phone transmissions except in code. All such messages must go to the Space Patrol code room where they're deciphered. Each Space Patrol officer is issued a code belt containing a device which enables him to decipher code messages quickly and with ease. A fact that is going to involve Bug Corey, Commander-in-Chief of the Space Patrol, and his cadet happy in an extremely dangerous adventure. Lieutenant Corey here. Can you get a hold of Cadet Happy yet? Oh, good. Thank you very much. Who? John DeMars. Oh, yes, from the Earth Transport Company. Send him right in, please. Commander Corey? Yes, come in, Mr. DeMars. Have a seat. What can I do for you? Well, I'll come right to the point, Commander. It's happened again. Oh, yes. When you were announced, I was afraid this might be the reason for your visit. Oh, well, then you know who I am. Yes, I've been following the investigation together two robberies. I remembered your name. Oh, well, then you know I was piloting the spaceship that had the payroll on it both times. Yes. This is the third one, right? Yes, but I can't understand it, Commander. The Earth Transport Company is franchised to carry many different kinds of cargo, and only once a week are they franchised to carry a payroll shipment of credits and cash. At the time of departure, it isn't known to anybody until I'm instructed to blast off. And yet three times now, somebody has found out about it and relieved me of my cargo. And each time, it's done in the same manner? Exactly. From out of nowhere, this heavily armed ship comes up alongside. I'm ordered to stand by, and they board me. And the payroll's gone. Did you ever get a look at your assailants? No, never. Each time they come aboard, there's always three of them, but they're carefully masked. I'm certain it's the same gang, though. Yes, it would appear that way. Look, Commander, we've got to do something about it. We've got to find out who this is and put a stop to it. I'll lose my job if we don't. Already, they're beginning to look at me suspiciously down there at the purse of transport. We're doing everything we can, Mr. DeMoss. Well, if you ask me, Commander, there's somebody right here in the space patrol within on this thing. Why do you say that? Well, it's the only way that these space pirates could operate. They must be receiving inside information on patrol unit movements because they only attack when there isn't one unit within view scope range of my ship. Well, it may be something worth your saying. I'll look in for it. In fact, I'll put one of my best men on it right away. Well, I hope you didn't mind my coming in to see you this way, Commander. I don't want to take up any more of your time. Not at all, any time. Well, thanks, Commander. Thank you very much. Well, Sergeant. You sent for me, sir? Yes, Happy, I did. I hope I didn't interrupt anything. I didn't know you had somebody with you. Well, he was just leaving. By the way, did you get a look at him? Yes, sir, sort of. I guess he was going out. I want you to remember what he looks like. For any particular reason, sir? Happy, you heard about the robberies of the Earth Transport Company, haven't you? Yes, sir. Is this fellow working for the company now? Yes, in fact, he's the one who's been robbing the ships. Oh, I see. He's been doing it, but he didn't get away. Well, why didn't you just arrest him, Commander? Because I can't prove it yet. Besides, there are others involved, including one of our own men. Oh, I see, and you want to round them all up at once. That's right, that's where you come in. Yes, sir. What do I do? You know what this is? Oh, I sure do, Commander. The Space Patrol code belt. Boy, I'll sure be glad when I'm a full-fledged officer in the Space Patrol and I can have one of these. I don't think you'll have to wait that long, Ratty. You mean I can have a code belt now, sir? Boy. You already have one. That's yours. Oh, hot rockets. A code belt. And I'm just a cadet, too. Boy, oh, boy. Oh, but, well, Commander, what good will a code belt do me? I'm not eligible to receive the code of the day yet. Ratty, in your case, we're going to make an exception. We are, sir? Well, uh, but why? You're going to help me solve these robberies and you may need that information. Oh, well, uh, ain't we got some sort of a plan, sir? When the next Earth Express port ship blasts off with a payroll cargo, you're going to be aboard as a stowaway. A stowaway? But first, we're going over to the Space Patrol code room. Major Roberts is going to give you a quick lesson on using that code belt. 1-10-9-3-2-3-2-1-10-9-3-8-2-2. We're going to go right away. Well, hello, Colonel. Hi, Hap. Welcome to the code room. Gee, you don't seem very surprised to see a cadet in here. I'm not. He already knows about it. Oh, well, I'm ready to start my instruction, sir. OK, be right with you. Just as soon as I finish decoding this message, I'll be out of the evening in your hands. When you're finished, report back to me. Yes, sir. Well, Hap, make yourself at home. Be with you in a minute. Yes, sir. You should have seen the commander's face when I told him how I was brought. He believed every word of it. Well, you did the right thing, talking to Commander Coyle yourself. Well, of course I did, girl. It throws suspicion away from me. Well, I even told him that I thought there was somebody right there in the Space Patrol giving out inside information on patrol unit buildings. You told him that? Why, sure. Why not? Because it's true, that's why. Oh, don't worry, dear. Why, there's nothing to it. Tony will never get caught. He's too smart. He's smarter than you are. Yeah? What do you mean by that? I got away with it three times, haven't I? Yes, but I think you're catching your luck, telling Commander Coyle what you did. We haven't got anything to worry about, dear. We'll just get the code of the day. It will plot the position of the thing, and then Coyle will never believe, never believe that there's one of his own men right there in the Space Patrol, in the code room, giving out the code of the day any time we need it. That's really very simple. The fact that we changed the code number of the day is the reason to make it difficult for them to decode our messages. Oh, yeah? And it's the big dial up here. That's just like the one on the back of the bell book. Exactly like that one, except it's bigger. Now, you notice on the outside ring there are numbers. On the inside ring, there are letters. Now, say that A is 1. That would make B 11, C 19, and so on. Oh, yeah. There's a number for every letter in the alphabet. That's right. Now, the code of the day is Q. So, we take the letter Q. Q 12. Q 12. We take the letter Q and put it opposite the number 12. Yeah. It works the same way on this, too, doesn't it? Yeah, it works just the same on the code belt. Right. Now, supposing we get a message like this. Four, 14, 17, 17, 3. Now, we have the code of the day. You can figure it out. Sure, that will be a cinch, Major. There, you see, I told you that. Hey, that's me. That's Bell's mother. That's right. That's Bell's mother, too. Hey, well, this is really very simple if you've got the code of the day. No, if you don't have the code belt, it's just a jumble of letters. Oh, by the way, you know this belt goes in the dark? Oh, does it? Yeah. I'll remember that. It might come in handy someday. Sure thing. Well, you better get back to the commanding zone. Oh, right, sir. Well, Happy. How did the course of instructions go? Oh, just fine, sir. You know, it's really very simple if you know all the right answers. Isn't everything? Well, yes, sir, I guess it is at that. Just like the answer to these payroll robberies. It will all be very simple when we know who's giving out the information about unit positions. Oh, and that's why you want me to stow away on board that payroll ship, right? Right. I'll be more off the pilot's flight alone. I'm pretty sure he's been faking these robberies and taking the payrolls himself. And you want me to catch him, is that it? Yes, I want you to keep your ears open. You might be able to learn something. You might try to contact one of his accomplices. Oh, it'll be a cinch, Commander. And even if he does catch me, I can handle him. Don't take any unnecessary chances. No, no, I'll be careful, sir. I'll have another code number for you to remember. Another one, sir, besides the code of the day? This is your private code, Happy, known only to me and you, and it's permanent. Now, use it only in an emergency. Every officer has one. Boy, oh, boy. A private code all my own. Yes. But what is it, sir? H-10. Oh, that'll be easy to remember. H is my first initial and the number 10. Hmm. Now, don't use it unless you really have to. Oh, I won't, sir. But, well, Commander, do you know when the next payroll ship's going to blast off? Today. Oh, I see. Well, I'll be... Today? I love those checks, the white-side checks, and I know checks love me. Both rice and wheat, they're great to eat and packed with energy. From zooms and drifts and loops and dips, he links with gay abandon for checks to eat both rice and wheat. Man, what a happy land, this. A rope and a rope, and this cowhand is hustling to shoot for the loop if the rustler is rustling. And the things that he rings while the rustler's a-fleeting are rice checks and wheat checks and partner that eat. He's a shooting star in his racing car, and he leaves the others behind by far. He's a checkerboard winner. Take the white side. Rice checks and wheat checks. Delicious white side. I love these breakfast burritos. I know you'll love them, too. A bite-sized treat, bite-sized too. Eating good, good, good for you. Get rice checks and wheat checks at your grocers in the red and white checkerboard package. And now back to safe patrol. Burrits, what are you doing aboard this ship? I thought I'd come aboard to see you off, Johnny. What do you want to do, you want to mess this whole thing up? Suppose if somebody saw you come aboard. Nobody saw me, I was careful, very careful. Well, then you'd be just as careful as you go out, and I mean right now. Oh, Johnny, why? Why can't I go with you? Suppose I ran into a space patrol inspection and somebody found you aboard. But this is the last job, you said so yourself. Sure, it's the last job, Burrits, but we won't get away with it if somebody catches you here. I know you won't take all the money and run out on me. Oh, so that's it. You think I might double-cross you. Oh, come on, Vera. You know me better than that. After all, we've been together in this since the very beginning. Come on, you just have to trust me. Trust you, Johnny? Oh, Jesus, nothing's lighter than that. I've got a blast off in the very two seconds. All right, but I'll be waiting for you. All right. This is Earth to Transport, cargo ship number 16, calling Space Control. This is Earth to Transport, cargo ship number 16, calling Space Control. This is Earth to Transport, cargo ship number 16, calling Space Control. I don't know you're following him, sir. No, I didn't tell him, but I'll be just out of your scope range of that payroll ship. That should be a cinch with half a board and you ready to make the arrest. Yeah, and if you're here to take care of the accomplice... All right, I'll stick by the code room. If you find out who the guy is that's passing the information, let me know. OK, I'll nab him. See you later. Calling Earth to Transport, cargo ship 16. Calling Earth to Transport, number 16. It's about time. We weren't waiting to get there. Is that you, Johnny? Yeah. Yeah, look, can I talk? Sure, go ahead. Look, I got away as soon as I could. After all, I couldn't call you from where I work. OK, OK, go ahead. I'm a patron of Mars. I've got to start checking. Yeah, yeah, here's what you want. You, 12. You, 12. All right, thanks a lot, Johnny. I'll see you later. 16 out. Mars Space Patrol Unit 21 reporting position. Code of the day. 15, 20, 9, 14, 16, break. 15, 10, 22, 11. Mars Space Patrol Unit 21 out. It's like I just had a space patrol coat gun. You want to use mine? Oh, no, you don't. I'll take that. I'll take this, too. We might be able to use it forever, then. Yeah, you're like Cadet. The one I saw in the Major's office. Hey, you know, that's a good memory. Yeah. You know what I'm doing here, don't you? Sure, you and that guy Tony, you're all through. And if there's anybody else in this with you, we're going to find out about this. You found out, Cadet. Tony, we've got to move fast. What are we going to do with him? Well, we have to jump him out in space, right out. There's nothing else we can do with him. You know, you're too right. I'm very smart. Yeah, what do you mean by that? Well, I'm supposed to report to Commander Corey right now. Yeah? Yeah, I'm who you try to get. All right, have it your way, but if the commander doesn't hear from me, every patrol unit in the space patrol is going to be on your neck in no time at all. Maybe that's the point, Johnny. We could let him call and he tries to put anything over on us. You might be right, Vera. All right, Cadet, but I'm warning you. Don't try anything funny or I'll let you have it. Well, I'll have to put this in code H-10 or else I'll know something is wrong. No, you don't. I'll take care of that. The code of the day is Q-12. All right, Vera, take us down. Yes, sir. Fourteen, nine, nine. Nine, nine. Break. Twenty-six. Twenty-six. Eleven. Eleven, nine. Nine, nine. All right, Cadet. There's your message all coded for you. This is Cadet Happy calling Space Patrol Headquarters code room. Calling Space Patrol Headquarters code room. Let's have it. Code of the day, fourteen, nine, nine. Break. Twenty-six, eleven, nine, nine. KWK out. All right, what did you mean by that? What do you mean by what? That KWK, what does that mean? Oh, that. Yeah, that. Oh, that was just my code signature, that's all. Vera, check those numbers against the letters on the code file. OK, I'll check it. Twenty-six, twenty-one, twenty-six. That doesn't mean anything. Of course it doesn't mean anything, I just told you. Are you with those letters? They're signing off every time I make a code passage. Yeah, well you better be telling the truth, Cadet. All right, turn around. But what? I said turn around. You're going to dump it out now, John. No, no. Look, we'll have to go to the moon, Demos. We'll pick up the loot. Then we'll leave our cadet friend there where there's no oxygen. And without a space suit. Twenty-six, twenty-nine, twenty-six. Commander Corey for Major Robertson. Commander Corey for Major Robertson. This is Commander Corey. Go ahead, Robbie. I just received a message from Hamster. Good, how's he doing? All right, I guess. You guess? Yes, sir. The message was a code. It reads all about it. Well, I guess like it has the situation well in hand. Yes, sir, except that wasn't quite all the message. At the end he added the letters KWK. KWK? Yes, sir. I don't get it. But he must have had a reason. I'm sure he had a reason. Otherwise he wouldn't have sent it. KWK. Oh, wait a minute, Robbie. What numbers do those represent? Just a minute. I'll see. Twenty-one, twenty-six, twenty-one. Reset your dial to H10. H10? Happy's private code. Got it, sir. Now, Robbie, do those numbers mean anything? SOS. Commander, they spell SOS. Happy must be in trouble. I'll see you later, Robbie. I'm going to catch up to that cargo ship and pay them a little call. What are you talking about, Tony? You heard me. Corey's right behind you now. He'll never outrun a ship. You'll have to let him come aboard. But that kind of calls through for help after all. You'd better think of something fast. Well, thanks for warning me, Tony. Be more careful. What are we going to do, Johnny? Commander Corey comes aboard this ship. We don't have a chance. I think it's just the other way around, girl. The commander doesn't know that you're aboard this ship. Now, I'll tell you what I want you to do. This is Commander Corey calling Hudson Transport Company Number 16. You will stand by to be boarded. Johnny, what are we going to do with him? He's still on. Now, listen. You stand back over here. OK. And you know what to do. I got it, sir. All right. All right, Ema, what's going on here? Where's Mike Cadet? I don't know what you're talking about, Commander. Yes, you do, and you're going to start giving me a few answers right now. Don't make a move, Commander Corey. You know what? I'll be asking all the questions from now on, Commander. What have you done with Mike Cadet? I don't know what you're talking about. I have seen him. What are you doing wearing his coat belt? How's that? Get him, Commander. Hold on, Mike. Hold on, you little monkey. I got you, Commander. You got me, and you're going to have to find me first. Don't move, Hattie. Don't make a move. I got you, sir. Now, come on, Corey. Where are you? Speak up. I'll let you have it. Come on, Hattie. I'll let you. Where are you? I'll get you. OK, Hattie, I'm right. Right, sir. I'll get you. I might as well take this away from you before it gets you in any more trouble. Yeah, you can thank that coat belt for getting captured. Now, what do you mean? Now, I spotted you, Demarcus. You see, the belt glows in the dark. Sure, you were lit up like a spotlight. Hiya, gang. Space patroller Jack Nye is reporting. Saying it's not a wonderful story. How about that space patrol coat belt? Really terrific, isn't it, gang? Bet you'd like to have one just like it for yourself, wouldn't you? Well, you know what? You can. Yes, sir. In a little while, I'm going to tell you how you can get a space patrol coat belt. Don't miss out. Grab a pencil and paper quick. Meantime, remember, to be like a real space patroller, you've got to eat a real space patrol breakfast. That means a breakfast with Greek check and rice check. The cereals that help give rugged space patrollers that up and at them fire and zip. Come on, gang, get on with it. Greek check, rice check. Now, hold tight, boys and girls. I'll be back in a jiffy to tell you how you can get a space patrol coat belt. Now, back to space patrol. You know, Commander, that was pretty slick, using Major Robertson's private coat. Calling and telling him to pick up Tony, who was there all the time in the code room. You didn't do so bad of yourself, Happy. That was fast thinking, using your weather-suspended SOS. Well, yes, sir, but it wouldn't have worked if you had figured it out. Anyway, it was a pretty good demonstration to show you how valuable those belts really are. I'll say. And I'll bet that Remorse and Vera have a lot more respect for that coat belt now. You know, it was kind of ironic, all the way, that coat belts backfired on them and caused their capture. What's the point of it? Oh, I was just thinking, Commander. You know, now we could give them a code number, too. A private coat. B-4. B-4. Sure, Commander. They were doing all right before they stole my coat belt. Oh, no. That's my cadet. That's my cadet. Hiya, gang. Space patroller Jack Nars again. I'm mighty pleased to have Commander Corey here with me to tell you how to get a Space Patrol coat belt. A Space Patrol coat belt exactly like the one that saved the payroll today and saved my life many times. A Space Patrol coat belt exactly like the one Commander Corey has on. Look, it's the belt with the secret code wheel. Look, it's the belt that glows in the dark. Look, it's the belt with the buckle shaped exactly like Buzz Corey's spaceship. Now, I want every one of you boys and girls to have a Space Patrol coat belt and be real Space Patrollers. Remember, this belt is adjustable, so it will fit almost anybody. And it's so handsome, you can wear it everywhere. Now, listen carefully. Here's how to get yourself a Space Patrol coat belt. Buy a box of wheat checks or rice checks, those two superific cereals. They're off the box top of either one. Write your name and address on the back and send along with 25 cents in coin to Space Patrol coat belt, box 812, St. Louis, Missouri. This offer good in continental United States only and may be withdrawn at any time. We'll be expecting every one of you to order your Space Patrol coat belts right away. Remember that address, Space Patrol coat belt, box 812, St. Louis, Missouri. There's a limited quantity of these belts, so hurry. Send for your Space Patrol coat belt at once. Next week, more adventures in space. So be sure to be with us next week and every week for thrills and excitement with the Space Patrol.